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Cornell University

Event Categories Glossary

Event Categories Glossary

Categories help other users find events when searching and can determine things, such as whether your event is pubic, a student only, or by invite only.

Don't Publish to Web Calendars
Featured Event
Open to Alumni
Open to Faculty
Open to Public
Open to Staff
Open to Students
Private Event (Invitation Only)

Don't Publish to Web Calendars

Select this option if you don't want your event to be shared with any web calendar feeds. Back to Top

Featured Event

A featured event is open to the entire campus community and has a complete description of the event. Back to Top

Open to Alumni

An event that has an open invitation to alumni. Back to Top

Open to Faculty

An event that has an open invitation to faculty. Back to Top

Open to Public

An event that has an open invitation to the public. Back to Top

Open to Staff

An event that has an open invitation to staff. Back to Top

Open to Students

An event that has an open invitation to the student body. Back to Top

Private Event (Invitation Only)

An event that is invite-only. Back to Top