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Cornell University

Bailey Hall Exam Protocols

Bailey Exam Logistics (last update 08/16/2023)
For faculty assigned Bailey for preliminary and/or final exams

The Basics

  • The building will be open at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start.  During exams, the location is staffed by CIT technical support. CIT staff are responsible for unlocking and locking the front doors.
  • Advance technical support inquiries can be made to
  • HVAC settings and card access door controls are managed virtually by Bailey Hall Operations Manager William Esty (; 254-8045). Bill is available by phone during exam time if there are concerns with the HVAC or the card access controls.
  • The seating diagram for Bailey is available in Scheduling@Cornell (25Live). If the instructor wishes each student to record a seat identifier for exam validation purposes, the individual seats can be identified by physical signage within the space that identifies row letters and seat numbers.
  • Because Bailey seats do not have a writing surface, clipboards are provided for use by students to take written exams.
    • The clipboards are kept in bins and the bins are placed on the stage before the exam. Instructors can decide the best way to distribute the boards, including whether the bins are relocated to the room entrances and whether each exam is placed on a board in advance of each student picking up or receiving a board.
    • The distribution process for the clipboards, including whether the distribution is supervised, is decided by the instructor.
    • Boards should be returned to the bins and the bins should be returned to the stage, for storage by the technical support staff. Again, the instructor will determine the process of recovering the boards from the students. Please monitor the return of the clipboards.
    • Allow time for the board logistics at the beginning and end of the exam.
    • Should you have any questions about the clipboards or if anything is amiss in the clipboard area, please contact Bill Esty or the onsite CIT Technical Staff.
    • When not in use, the clipboard bins are kept in a locked room in Bailey. The onsite CIT Technical Staff has a master key to access the space if the bins are not in place on the stage 30 minutes before the exam, per this procedure.

For Assistance

  • During the exam, if you have any immediate concerns about equipment or conditions in the space, please contact the onsite CIT Technical Staff.
  • After the exam, if you have any feedback regarding the logistics or these directions, please email All feedback is helpful in instituting continuous improvements.