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Cornell University

Copy an Event

If you schedule reoccurring and annual events, the 25Live copy feature makes event creation more efficient.

TIP: If your screen doesn't have the options listed in the instructions, select 25Live Pro at the top right; this will bring your screen back to your dashboard.
When copying an event that has activities requiring University Events Team review, remove the copied event's information before saving.
  1. Search for the event you want to copy.
  2. Select the event Name to open the event details view.
  3. Under More Actions select Copy Event.
Selecting More Options, selecting Copy Event, and selecting Copy Only This Event.

You can also copy an event from the What's Next section when you save a new or edited event by using the Copy button. When you choose to copy an event from the Event Details tab (with appropriate security permissions), you will see a Copy Related Events dialog box.

You have two options:

  • Copy only this event 

  • OR, Copy and Relate it back to the original event or event set.
  1. Edit Your Copied Event. The event request form loads with many fields pre-populated for you from the original event. In the event editor, go through each tab and field to verify which details you want to retain and which you need to change for the copy. 

Make sure you review every field to get the results you want, especially Event Activities and Features. Many event details, such as dates and times from the original event are retained, so location and resource assignments may be flagged as conflicts with the original or removed.

When copying an event that has activities requiring University Events Team review, remove the copied event's information before saving.

  1. Save Your Copied Event.  When finished, use the Save button to save the event and open a set of options for continuing. If the original event was starred as a favorite, the copy is automatically starred too. You can unstar the event in the Event Options (Remove from Favorites) displayed when you save the copy.