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Cornell University

Request a Repeating Event

Scheduling@Cornell lets you choose repeating events by day, week, or month. All dates you select will be displayed in the Occurrence List. 

TIP: If your screen doesn't have the options listed in the instructions, select 25Live Pro at the top right; this will bring your screen back to your dashboard.

Ad Hoc Repeats

Events that repeat with no pattern.

  1. Follow the steps to Request an Event until the step for Event Repeats.
  2. Select Ad Hoc Repeats.
  3. Select the dates you need on the calendar.
  4. Review the dates you chose in the Occurrence List.
  5. Continue requesting an event (at Locations).

Daily Repeats

  1. Follow the steps to Request an Event until the step for Event Repeats.
  2. Select Daily Repeats.
  3. Set Repeats Every to the interval you need, such as day, other days, or up to 12th day.
  4. Select either:
    • Repeats Through:
    • Select an End Date.

    • Select Ends After
    • Set the number of iterations.
  5. Review the dates you chose in the Occurrence List.
  6. Continue requesting an event (at Locations).

Weekly Repeats

  1. Follow the steps to Request an Event until the step for Event Repeats.
  2. Select Weekly Repeats.
  3. Set Repeats Every to the interval you need, such as week, other week, or up to 12th week.
  4. Select either:
    • Repeats Through:
    • Select an End Date.

    • Select Ends After
    • Set the number of iterations.
  5. Review the dates you chose in the Occurrence List.
  6. Continue requesting an event (at Locations).

Monthly Repeats

  1. Follow the steps to Request an Event until the step for Event Repeats.
  2. Select Monthly Repeats
  3. Set Repeats Everyto the interval you need, such as month, other month, or up to 12thmonth.
  4. Select either:
    • Repeat by Day.
    • Select Add Repeat Day.
    • Under Repeat select the number of days.
    • Under From select the Start or End of the month.
    • Add any more Repeat days you need.

    • Repeat by Position.
    • Select Add Repeat Position.
    • Under Repeat on the, select a position number such as First, Last, or Second to Last.
    • Select the day of the week.
    • Add any more Repeat positions you need.
  5. Review the dates you chose in the Occurrence List.
  6. Continue requesting an event (at Locations).