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Cornell University

Request an Event

TIP: If your screen doesn't have the options listed in the instructions, select 25Live Pro at the top right; this will bring your screen back to your dashboard.
  1. Log in to Scheduling@Cornell with your NetID and password.
  2. Select Create an Event.
  3. Enter your Event Name. This is the name you and others will use in Scheduling to find your event.
  4. Enter your Event Title. This is the public title of your event.
  5. Select your Event Type from the drop-down list.
    Select the Star icon if you will use this event type frequently.
  6. Select the Primary Organization from the drop-down list. This is the organization that will be holding the event.
    You can filter the list by entering the first few letters of the organization name.  
  7. If the Primary Organization is not part of the Cornell Community (e.g., Red Cross), you must select a Cornell Sponsoring Organization from the drop-down list. This list can be filtered in the same way as Primary Organization. 
  8. Enter your estimate for the Expected Head Count. This is the maximum number of people you expect to attend in-person at any one time. For example, if you are holding an event where people will come and go, don’t enter the total number of individuals, just enter the number you think will be there at once.
    Expected Head Count will be compared against the location’s Max Occupancy (the number of people a location will hold). Entering too low a number may cause people to have to wait outside. Entering too high a number may eliminate an otherwise suitable location.
  9. Under Date and Time, indicate the start and end times of the event itself (e.g., curtain time for a performance). You can indicate setup time under Additional Time (below). 
    1. Select your start date.
    2. Select your start time. 
    3. Select your end time.
  10. For a multi-day event, uncheck the box called The event beings and ends on the same day. 
    Never use this feature to book setup and takedown time over multiple days. Use the Setup, Pre-Event, Post-Event, and Takedown times to request hours outside of the actual event duration for your events.
  11. Expand Additional Time, if needed. Indicate setup/takedown time (for preparing the location for the event) as well as pre-event and post-event time (for the audience or attendees to gather and disperse from the location):
    Scheduling@Cornell will add these times together to reserve the location before and after your event. For example, if you need one hour to set up (Setup time) and 30 minutes for the attendees to gather, enter the location and find seats prior to your event (Pre-event Time), then 25Live will book your location for 90 minutes prior to the event start time. 
    1. Enter the Setup days, hours, or minutes you need.
    2. Enter the Pre-Event days, hours, or minutes you need.
    3. Enter the Post-Event days, hours, or minutes you need.
    4. Enter the Takedown days, hours, or minutes you need.
  12. Repeating Pattern: A repeating event can be on a regular, recurring basis (such as every Wednesday at 3) or simply multiple occurrences at different specific times. 
    1. Select any additional days you need.
    2. Select View All Occurrences.
    3. Select Remove, at the end of the row, to remove any days you don't need.
  13. Under Locations: This is the venue or room for your event.
    1. Set Auto-Load Starred to Yes, if you want to show your favorite locations.
    2. If you only want to see available locations, select Hide Locations with Conflicts
    3. If you only want to see locations with enough space for your expected participants, select Enforce Headcount. 
    4. If you want to use your saved searches, select one under Saved Searches (optional).
    5. Under Search for Locations, enter the first few letters of a location name.
      This will match anywhere within the location name. For example, if you enter “Smith” it would show both “Smith Auditorium” and rooms in “Goldwyn Smith Hall.”
    6. Select the location from the search results.
      Scheduling Pro will display the Location Name, Code (a combination of the building abbreviation and room number), Max Capacity (the largest number of people that may be in the location at any given time), and any conflicts rooms that match your search but are not available for one or more of the occurrence times).
    7. Under More Options, you can add filters for:
      1. Categories
      2. Features
      3. Layouts
      4. Capacity
    8. Select Search.
    9. Select the location from the search results; displaying the Name, Title, Capacity, Availability, and any Conflict Details.

    10. Select Request, in the row for the location you want.
  14. Under Resources (for Schedulers Only):
    1. Under Search for Resources, enter the first few letters of a resource name.
      Only request resources that are not already included at the location you have selected for your event.
    2. Select the resource from the search results; displaying the Resource Name, Quantity, and any conflicts.
      Recommended: select the Star icon if you will use this resource frequently.
    3. To remove the resource, select X and search for a new resource.
  15. Under Upload Additional Information, select Choose File if you would like to attach a layout or other supplemental information and attach your file from your computer or stored documents.
    The more information you can provide for schedulers and reviewers, the more likely you will have a successful event. You may attach up to five files to this event. The maximum size for a file is 25MB. File types accepted:
    • PDF, TXT, RTF
    • DOC, DOCX, CSV
    • XSL, XSLX
  16. Under Event Activities and Features, answer all required questions.
    Based on your answers to these questions, your activities need further review.
  17. Under Event In-Depth Details. Please enter more comprehensive and thorough details of your event, so that event reviewers understand what you are trying to accomplish.
  18. Best Practice:  Submitting incorrect or inaccurate information will delay your event request process; be sure to include as many details as you can.
  19. Select I agree, to agree to Cornell’s policies.
  20. Select Save.
    If there are any errors you will receive a message and be taken to the errant field to correct it.

    If successful you will see the following message, This event has been successfully saved. Your event is not confirmed until the appropriate schedulers have reviewed and approved your location request.

    Once you have submitted your event request, the location scheduler will review it and let you know whether the location is approved. You may also be asked for more detailed information about your event prior to the final scheduling.