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Cornell University

Find Available Locations

Find an Available Location for Your Chosen Date

TIP: If your screen doesn't have the options listed in the instructions, select 25Live Pro at the top right; this will bring your screen back to your dashboard.
  1. Log in to Scheduling@Cornell.
  2. Select I know WHEN my event should take place -- help me find a location.
  3. Under Date, select the Date and Time.
  4. Enter the estimated Number of Attendees.
  5. Select Show me what's available!
  6. Under Matching Locations, select the location you want.
  7. Select the Location Name.
  8. In the row for the location you want, select Use This Location. Scheduling will open the Event Request Form.
  9. Follow the instructions to Request an Event.

Find an Available Date for Your Chosen Location

  1. Log in to Scheduling@Cornell.
  2. Select I know WHERE my event should take place -- help me choose a time!
  3. Under Find Location by Name, enter the first few letters of the location you want.
  4. Select Go.
  5. Under Select your location, click on the location you want.
  6. Select Show me this location's availability.
  7. Scheduling will display a list or calendar of available days.  Select the start date you want. Scheduling will open the Event Request Form.
  8. Follow the instructions to Request an Event.