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Cornell University

View Location Searches

Using a public search or a Starred search you have created, you have several different options to view the location's availability.

TIP: If your screen doesn't have the options listed in the instructions, select 25Live Pro at the top right; this will bring your screen back to your dashboard.

From your dashboard, select MORE in the upper right-hand corner, and select Navigate to… to expand available options for viewing Locations.  To navigate between public and saved searches, select Your Starred Locations, and select the location search of your choice.

The List view allows you to select a date range to display all of the events happening in the location(s) you are searching on in a table view.  The search results show you the name of the event, start date, start time, and location.  You can sort search results by column titles.

The Calendar view allows you to select a date range to display all of the events happening in the location(s) you are searching on in a calendar grid. This view is good to use when you want to see a snapshot of all the events happening on a particular day in all the location(s) within your search.  You can also create events within this view, select Create an event to start an event form.

The Availability view allows you to select a date range to display all of the events happening in the location(s) you are searching on in an easy to view grid of when the location(s) is available or not.

Use the Availability view to start your reservation! When you find a location that is available at your desired time, you select, on the location's timeline, the time you want to start, drag to the end time of your event, and you will be brought into a new event form to create your event.  Bonus: Your date, time, and location are all readily configured for you in the form.